Onto Part Time at Red Hat

I hope everyone is having a great week. At the beginning of the summer, I thought today would be my last blog post since this is the end of the summer internship. What an experience! However of course, I’ll still be here next week, just working way less a week haha.

On Thursday last week Mo asked me to help with the Fedora 33 wallpaper draft package that was supposed to go out on Friday or Monday at the latest.

bump map fedora 33.png

You can keep up with the happenings on the ticket here, but I tried to create bump map (I’ve never made one before that and although I consulted the internet, I don’t think it’s quite right) but it was fun to try. And then I made a watercolor background of the stars to go behind a 3D model of a planet.

watercolor background fedora 33.png

This part I was pleased with very much.

We had recharge day on Friday and I soaked up some sun on a blanket in my yard which I’m truly grateful for. And over the weekend a friend and I decided to split a Skillshare account and I’ve started bookmarking tutorials for blender and other open source programs that I’d like to become even more proficient in.


Monday I cranked out what felt like a lot of inking, and on Tuesday I made this tracker to try and make sure I’m keeping on top of the pages. It’s really easy to get lost in the computer and having this as a reminder to check on pages that are almost done or need more work is proving helpful.


Although there is the aspect where I look at it and because I don’t work on one page at a time, I feel guilty about how much I have done because I hoped it would be more/think I should be farther along.


I also did some really low key sketchbook brain jogging for some illustrations for the about page on the ChRIS website.

I hope you’re all enjoying these days of August!
