Quarantine Slump

I’ve been desperately trying to search for the post I saw that captured this more eloquently, but summed up it asked the question, ‘Are you experiencing caution restlessness? Accidentally being more careless, seeing more friends even at a distance?’ It made me think, I haven’t left my house in over a month? But I have interacted with the same neighbors semi regularly and have I been making sure to do so safely?

If you’re guilty of this as I am, it’s important to make sure we’re looking after ourselves. Getting adequate sleep, eat three meals a day, and implement a simple exercise routine are the first steps. And be kind to yourself in this time :) If you want, lemme know how you are in a comment!

This week I wrapped up making a video for the July Madness Intern Video contest with the theme “school spirit”

You can vote by liking my comment with the video in it here on the mojo page!

Last week I submitted some logo ideas to the Nest ticket and I had to clean up the ones they enjoyed. Went through some inkscape tutorials to refresh and see if I was doing anything slower then some tips and tricks.

Attended Boston’s lightning talks and got me thinking of potentially doing my own towards the end of the summer.

Going through the changes for the coloring book so I can send them out in an email to the reviewers by Friday hopefully, and speaking of the reviewers.

And I asked the technical reviewers to send pictures of themselves so we could put a credit page with drawings of them, thanking them. So I have three sketches because I have three selfies haha.


I know this week I struggled with staying motivated however someone just recommended me the podcast ‘Creative Pep Talk’ which I think will be a huge help to listen to for fun while working, and remembering you can’t wait for motivation to do work :).