Happy End of July

Hello hello!

Let’s see what have I been up to! Last week I had a design review with the intern team for all the artwork that I created for Red Hat’s social media on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which I shared the process and sketches for on my last blog post.


You can see this on twitter but this is one of my favorite ones from the project!

I also worked on filming and editing the video I submitted for the next round of the July Intern Video Challenge, which only six people moved on in. You can watch it here, and vote for my video here until Friday July 31st ;)

And of course I’ve been inking the pages for the coloring book.


This is without any of the text or boxes but I think it’s fun to see without the red sketchy pencil that I have underneath.

Hope you’re all having a great week as we reach August!